Multi Card Reader

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Attention!!! Awesome SD Card Reader

With An Extra Awesome Price!!!

Card Readers are Super Cool and Super Easy to use! And NOW is the Perfect time to get one!

This Little Handy USB Device lets you easily read and write to SD/MMC digital memory cards!

But, this little Card Reader also works as a mini flashdrive! How Sweet is that?

And I can't believe how easy it is to work these things! All you have to do is pop in your camera's memory card and a folder will open showing you all your camera's folders and pictures! Then simply drag and drop your selected pictures into files on your computer.

This is so much easier than dealing with a tangled mess of USB cords, trying to find the right cord to plug your camera in, getting software to recognize your camera, and fighting with your computer to get your pictures where YOU want them! Yup, I just love my card reader!!

Plus- it works as a storage device too! Just by dragging and dropping the files from your computer into the card, this device allows you to carry everything at once! Just leave a memory card in and you're good to go! Cool huh?

Oh! And don't worry about it not being compatible with your memory card!!! This tiny device is works with just about everything! Of course, it works great with every type of the the ever popular SD cards, and it also works with MS, MMC, and more - See the site for a list!

They are faster than you can imagine too!!! Mine works twice as fast as when I use to plug my camera into my computer using a USB cord. I don't know what I would do without my Card Reader! I just love it! And I know you will love yours too!!!

Want one? Your cost is just $8.97 and US Shipping is Free!! And let me tell you, it is worth every penny!

P.S. Honestly, save yourself the time and the hassle of dealing with cords! Use this Card Reader! They are just too cool to pass up!