If you're using the operating system of Windows Vista, by now, you've probably set up the accounts you want for the computer. You know, one for yourself, one for your spouse, one for your children or grandchildren, etc. Setting up those accounts can take some time, in order to ensure you have them just the way you want them.
So, in all the hustle and bustle of that, I doubt you've had any time to change your account's picture. You know, the little icon that shows up next to your name that gives your account just a little piece of personality. You're probably thinking, "Well, now that you mention it. I would like to change my picture." Am I right? Either way, here's how you do it. It's very simple and much like Windows XP.
Go to Start, Control Panel and click on the User Accounts and Family Safety link. Once the new window opens, look under the User Accounts section and click on the Change your account picture link. A selection of new pictures will then show up for you. You can choose from a music note, a fish, sports, a dog, a kitten, chess pieces, a starfish, a flower and a few more. So, pick whichever one fits your personality the best. If you like the water, choose the starfish. If you're really into sports, select that one. When you've decided, just click on the picture once and hit the Change Picture button. Your new picture will then appear and your account will officially be yours!
~ Erin