Managing Vista Wireless Networks

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Have you ever experienced any of the following problems with wireless Internet in Windows Vista?

  • Being repeatedly disconnected from a hotspot.

  • Automatically connecting to a hotspot you didn’t want to connect to.

  • Not being able to connect to the wireless hotspot you would like.

If so, I can say that I have experienced those problems too. The good news is Vista includes a tool to solve the problems for you. And I’m going to show you how to use it right now!

1.) To begin, go to Start, Control Panel.

2.) In the search box in the upper right hand corner, type "manage wireless."

3.) From the search results, select Manage wireless networks.

4.) A window similar to this will appear, with all of your hotspots listed:

5.) Now, if any of your hotspots are missing, here's how you can add them to the list.

6.) You need to be in range of the hotspot and then press Add.

7.) Next, select "Add a network that is in range of this computer."

8.) Now, connect to the network like you normally would and it will be added to the list.

9.) Next, you're going to set the order of the hotspots. That will indicate in which order Windows will try to connect to the hotspots. Organizing the list is as easy as dragging and dropping!

10.) I want to show you one last thing. Right click on any hotspot and choose Properties.

11.) You'll see two options there: "Connect automatically when this network is in range" and "Connect to a more preferred network if available."

12.) Those allow you to toggle on and off whether Vista should automatically connect to them or not. I like to enable them both, because that means if Vista can’t find my main hotspot, it will connect to the next one on the list.

There you have it. Vista wireless networks made easy!

~ Neil Patel